Location: BCIT building SE06, Classroom 209
Hours: 10:30 am to 5:30 pm
Climate Fiction
Guests: Katrina Archer (Moderator), Ziggy Schutz, Holly Schofield
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Is all fiction set in the future “climate fiction”? Do they have to be dystopias? How is the Solarpunk genre changing readers’ (and writers’) mindsets? Bring your questions to the panelists and watch as the pathways fork into an infinite number of possible futures.
Game Design
Guests: Lisa Smedman (Moderator), Toren Atkinson, Sapha Burnell, Corey Van Egdom, Brad Finlayson
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Creating worlds, maps, scenarios, and mechanics for others to play with and in.
Workshops & Presentations
Discovering the Unexplored World of Godzilla
Presenters: Stan Hyde, George Tufnail
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(He’s a Dragon!)
Exploring Alternate Media
Guests: Cat Girczyc (Moderator), Wren Handman, Don DeBrandt
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While poems and novels may be the classic heart of speculative fiction, games, movies and TV (both live action and animated), comics, and graphic novels are equally important to the modern sf/fantasy fan. What are the differences and similarities between the forms for creators and fans? What new media will be explored in the future?
Comic and Zine Creation
Guests: Ziggy Schutz, Don DeBrandt, Beth Wagner
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How are comics and zines different from other media? What are the secrets to their creation, and why are they so eternally of interest?
Speculative Poetry: The Frontier of Imagination
Guests: Sapha Burnell (Moderator), Ziggy Schutz, Marcie Tentchoff
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The Frontier of Imagination, Poetry invites deep exploration of language and ideas, allowing both writer and reader to discover new meanings in minimal, powerful form.
Illuminating the Map
Guests: Toren Atkinson, Sapha Burnell
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Illustrating for books, games and other media.