Location: BCIT building SE02, Town Square D
Hours: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Opening Ceremonies
Welcome to Here Be Dragons!
Dragons Around the Globe and Beyond
Guests: Bonnie Jacoby, Sapha Burnell, Janine Cross, Brad Finlayson
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Why are Dragons found in so many cultures and places? Why are they both revered and feared? And what makes them the symbol of what lies beyond the edges of explored territory?
Building Fantasy Worlds: Escaping Western Europe
Guests: Janine Cross (Moderator), Wren Handman, Beth Wagner, Ziggy Schutz, Bonnie Jacoby
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How to write interesting worlds that aren’t just Europe?
Where Do I Go From Here? The Editing Process Explained
Guests: JM Landels (Moderator), Holly Schofield, Cat Girczyc, Bonnie Jacoby, Katrina Archer, Kristi Charish
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You’ve written your awful first draft and now it’s time to plunge into the fog towards a publishable manuscript. Do you join a critique group or venture into it alone? Do you need a professional editor? What’s the difference between developmental edits, line edits, and copy edits? Our panelists will attempt to shine a light into the murky swamp that is revision.
Here Be Dragons: Exploration Hazards
Guests: Janine Cross, Kristi Charish, George Tufnail, Ziggy Schutz, Brad Finlayson
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What are the hazards of exploration? Both creature or environmental, from fantasy worlds to space and beyond.
Fandom Feud
Fandom Feud is a game show event that pits 2 teams drawn from the audience against each other, in a battle of pop-culture popular answers! We survey 100+ people, and contestants have to guess the most popular responses. In honour of being at Here Be Dragons, our theme for this show is EXPLORING THE UNEXPLORED.
The Horrors Beyond Imagination
Guests: George Tufnail, Janine Cross, Don DeBrandt, Peter Darbyshire, Linda DeMeulemeester
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Eldritch and evil beings that most adventurers wish to avoid, from ghosts and vampires, to the terrors beyond the stars and the dark gods lurking in the deep.
Building Backwards: Crafting Stories First, Worlds Second
Guests: JM Landels (Moderator), Cat Girczyc, Wren Handman, Peter Darbyshire, Krista Wallace, Corey Van Egdom, Katrina Archer
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Crafting Stories First, Worlds Second, explores how world-building can emerge naturally from the needs of the story itself, offering a more flexible and character-driven creative process.
Closing Ceremonies
Let us thank you for joining us!